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A member registered Dec 27, 2021

Recent community posts

Does anyone know how to get in touch with the developer?

I'm not sure who else would know what's going on here.

That's so strange. 

I have a relatively new graphics card and an 8-core CPU, so there's no way it's something like my computer can't run it. I've even tried running other games made in the same engine and they ran completely fine. Something in particular is just not agreeing with my PC.

I had major issues with the first game, too, and was only able to get it to load through the command prompt. It was so good and I'd really like to play this one too :((((

What OS is everyone running this on?

I'm using Windows 10, and it's not booting at all, even through command prompt. I had the same issue with the first game as well. :(

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I actually ended up just booting the game through command prompt and it's working fine now.

Thanks for the reply though. :)

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I cannot get this game to open up at all on Windows 10.

Whenever I try opening it, I can see the window for it pop up, but then it immediately closes. I've tried several other similar games, and they all seem to work fine, so I'm not sure what's going on. :(((

Any suggestions that I could try? I'd really love to play this game but just not having any luck rn. I've tried both the 64 bit and 32 bit versions, btw.